Sunday, August 27, 2006

August 26th Sale

Weather Forecast: Windy, Cloudy, Rainy... Blah! What's with all the crappy weather on the weekend? It's sunny all week while I am at work then Saturday is grey and rainy!

Well 3 sales this week despite the rain! Less people than last week and I had to remove everything from the table for about 45 mins while this insane wind swept across the market... first though... all my vases flew off the table... and didn't break thankfully.

3 sales: My hanging pink fish vase and a set of my etsy verb buttons and a set of Pink Bathtubs flatcards!

Many business cards were taken for Cheryl Avenue, Glorious Hats, and Ohma!

Most popular items: Faff Creation's Flower Garden Vase, Cheryl Avenue's Watch Clips, Glorious Hat's felted bracelets and ribbon scarf, Art2Art Colorado's Digital Prints (esp. the colored pebble one), OhMa!'s tea towels... people had lots of comments about recognizing the patterns on them!

I handed out 12 Etsy books with all our ads in them to some very interested buyers...

I am hoping for better weather in two weeks for the first September one on the 16th... and I think people will be interested in buying more in Sept. and October because then people think about christmas... :)

A lot of people looked at the items and wanted to bring friends and family members to see them because they thought they were very unique...

The other interesting thing about the market is that there isn't another stall that looks like mine... since mine is such a mix a lot of people take the time to look through each basket of items on the table or the items on the table... The other stalls at this market that were not selling food were only selling jewelry or paintings.... so I think we had a nice mix... and many asked when I would be back there selling... :)

Photos to follow shortly... :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Some more photos from the 19th

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

1st Photo From August 19th:

Saturday, August 19, 2006

August 19th---1st Sale Day

Forecast: Foggy, Cloudy, & Humid... No Sales today.... :(

The market was busy and lots of people enjoyed looking at everything. I wasn't as prepared as I wanted to be. I got into a car crash on Monday and got really bad whiplash, so all the things that I was planning to do for the market this past week, were put on hold. My very nice father-in-law drove down from Wisconsin and drove me to the market because my car has been totalled.
I really liked the set-up of out booth, and we had lots of comments and lots of looks. People were really impressed with a lot of the items. I wish I had the book copied so that I could have handed it out. I will be copying it this week, now that I have a rental car, and so I will be passing it out at the next market. Also I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, because of the pain of lying down. I am hoping to heal this week some more and have everything ready for next Saturday. I apologize to everyone that everything was not ready.
A lot of people who looked also took people's business cards of the items that they liked, I of course forgot my own. So I hope for all things better next week, I will have the book copied by then, the table cloth made, and the raffle ready to go.

Popular items: Cheryl Avenue's magnetic bracelets, Glorious Hat's pink velvet hat, Lil Fish's Egg Candles, Faff Creations Large Fish Vase, OhMa!'s embroidered towels, Art2Art Colorado's ACEOs, Glitter and Gleam's Natural Stone Eyeglass Necklace, Small City Style's Eye Pillow, Shel's Design's Polymer Clay Earrings...

Photos to follow soon...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Pieces going to the first show

Cards by 2 sets of flat cards and 5 greeting cards

Digital prints from

Pieces from 1 felted cuff, 1 felted cuff & ring, 1 set of felted barretts, 1 felted card holder, 1 velvet hat

Ohma! Items : Hand embroidered from Vintage Patterns. 2 towels, 1 baby blanket, 1 laundry bag, 2 pot holders

Items from Shel's Designs 3 pairs of clay photo earrings and 2 clay photo necklaces

Items from Glitter and Gleam 3 eye glass chains and 2 lanyards.

Cheryl Avenue Items 2 watch chains, 2 magnetic bracelets/necklaces, and 1 felted necklace

10 ACEOs by


I now have nearly all the boxes of art. It is so nice to see all the art in person. The pieces everyone sent are so unique and beautiful. It is amazing that none of the sellers create the same type of art too.
This evening I have been working on the table cloth for the big table. Tomorrow I will be working on the Etsy banner for the back of the booth.
This morning I finished the Etsy book and Directory. I will have those copied on Monday. They came out so good. I cannot wait to send them out to you and hand them out at the market.
Well it's only 1 week until the first market and I cannot wait. I will be doing a dry run on Thursday evening to make sure the set-up looks good and then it is all systems go on Saturday morning. :)
-Eve- :)